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Lilith in Astrology: A Deep and Mysterious Guide to Your Subconscious 疗愈莉莉丝:潜意识的探照灯

Writer's picture: Ailun ZhangAilun Zhang

In astrology, Lilith is a profound and enigmatic presence. She symbolizes our inner shadows and forbidden desires. When we explore our subconscious and seek to understand our deeper needs, Lilith acts as a spotlight, illuminating the parts of ourselves we may not dare to confront. Often, we think we know what we truly want, but deeper introspection reveals that our surface-level desires and core longings can be vastly different.

Surface Needs vs. Inner Desires

Many people unknowingly tie their needs to perceived values in life, such as:

  • Money and Self-Worth: You might think you’re chasing wealth, but at a deeper level, what you truly crave could be the sense of security or the resonance of being recognized and respected.

  • Relationships and Safety: In relationships, you might believe loyalty is what you value most, but in reality, it could be the fear of loneliness driving you.

Lilith helps uncover these hidden desires buried in our subconscious. She reveals the parts of us we suppress or deny; this is where true healing and growth begin.

The First Step Toward True Healing

Healing doesn’t begin with action or searching for external solutions. Instead, it starts with the courage to face your true desires.

Lilith’s placement acts as a guide, asking you:

  1. What do you truly long for?

  2. What makes you feel shame or fear?

  3. What forms of self-expression have you been ignoring?

Exploring these questions can help you break free from societal norms and external expectations. This reconciliation with your inner self isn’t about surrender but about gaining strength.

Lilith in Your Birth Chart: Signs and Houses

Lilith’s placement in your chart is defined by its sign and house, each offering unique insights:

Lilith in the Signs

Lilith’s sign reveals your hidden desires and how you express them. For example:

  • Lilith in Gemini: A deep need for mental connection, seeking resonance through dialogue and shared ideas.

  • Lilith in Capricorn: A desire for authority and control, possibly stemming from insecurity about your abilities.

Lilith in the Houses

Lilith’s house points to the areas of life where her energy manifests most strongly. For example:

  • Lilith in the 7th House (Relationships): Hidden needs focus on intimate connections, with a strong desire to be understood but a fear of losing oneself.

  • Lilith in the 10th House (Career): Forbidden desires for power and success, coupled with fear of external judgment.

How to Heal with Lilith

By working with Lilith in your chart, you can:

  1. Identify Shadows: Recognize the desires you’ve suppressed and acknowledge their presence.

  2. Embrace Your True Self: Make peace with your darker sides instead of trying to eliminate or deny them.

  3. Transform Your Needs: Channel deep desires into positive actions, expressing yourself in healthy ways rather than through conflict or repression.

Lilith reminds us that healing isn’t about erasing pain; it’s about accepting it and transforming it into a force for growth.

Online Astrology Event This Saturday

To help you better understand your birth chart and subconscious needs, I’m hosting an online astrology event this Saturday! The session will cover:

  • 2025 astrological forecasts,

  • Healing methods through chart interpretation, and

  • How to use astrological insights to bring positive changes into your life.

Seats are limited, so be sure to register soon if you’re interested!

Additionally, I’m offering personalized 2025 birth chart readings as a paid service. Through an in-depth analysis of your chart, I’ll provide you with precise guidance and strategic insights for the coming year. Visit my website or contact me directly to book your session.

In our journey of exploring the subconscious, Lilith offers a mirror to reveal our true needs and desires. She reminds us that true wholeness comes from embracing our shadows rather than avoiding them.

If you’re seeking a path to healing and self-awareness, I can help you transform from the inside out. Using a blend of psychological understanding and metaphysical energy techniques, I’ll guide you toward successful transformation and growth, empowering you to embrace your full potential.

Feel free to reach out to schedule a session with me!


表面需求 vs. 内心渴望


  • 金钱自我价值:我们可能觉得自己追求的是财富,然而在更深的层面,我们真正渴望的或许是通过财富获得的安全感,或者是被认可和尊重的共鸣

  • 关系安全:在关系中,我们可能以为自己在意的是忠诚,但实际上可能更害怕孤独。





  1. 你真正渴望的是什么?

  2. 是什么让你感到羞愧或恐惧?

  3. 哪些是你长期忽视的自我表达?




1. 星座中的莉莉丝


  • 莉莉丝在双子座:深层需求是与人建立心灵上的连接,追求对话与思想的共鸣。

  • 莉莉丝在摩羯座:渴望权威和控制,可能源于对自我能力的不安。

2. 宫位中的莉莉丝


  • 莉莉丝在第七宫(关系宫):隐藏的需求集中在亲密关系中,可能有强烈的渴望被理解,同时害怕失去自我。

  • 莉莉丝在第十宫(事业宫):可能对权力和成功有禁忌的欲望,同时害怕外界评价。



  1. 识别阴影:找到那些长期压抑的欲望,并承认它们的存在。

  2. 拥抱真实自我:与自己的黑暗面和解,而不是试图消除或否认它。

  3. 重塑需求:将深层需求转化为积极的行动力,例如用健康的方式表达自己,而不是通过冲突或压抑的形式。







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