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Spiritual Sharing 3 The Relationship between Healing and Attachment 浅谈疗愈与执念的关系

Writer's picture: Ailun ZhangAilun Zhang

Today, let's discuss the relationship between healing and attachments. Recognizing our current attachments is the key to elevating life energy.

First, let's have a look "What are your attachments?

Attachment is a concept in Buddhism and Eastern philosophy that describes three types of stubbornness or attachment in cognition and perception. Here is a brief explanation of these concepts:

Emotional Attachment:

Emotional attachment refers to attachment or stubbornness towards emotions. This may include excessive attachment to emotions such as affection, desire, love, and hate. In Buddhism and Eastern philosophy, emotional attachment is considered one of the causes of suffering and unrest because it causes individuals to excessively rely on external emotions and lose inner peace.

Material Attachment:

Material attachment is attachment to material things. This includes excessive pursuit and attachment to material wealth, status, fame, etc. Material attachment leads people to pursue external achievements and wealth, neglecting inner spiritual peace and satisfaction.

Ego Attachment:

Ego attachment is attachment to the self, believing that "I" is an inherent and real entity. This attachment makes people excessively focus on self-identity, roles, and status. Buddhism believes that transcending ego attachment is the key to liberation and inner peace.

These three types of attachments are regarded as the fundamental causes of suffering and dissatisfaction. In many Eastern philosophical and spiritual practices, people can pursue inner peace and liberation by reducing excessive attachment to emotions, material things, and self-identity. These concepts are reflected in Zen Buddhism and other Eastern philosophical traditions. So, how do we apply self-awareness and healing methods for ourselves and others?

Please remember the following key points:

"Emotional Attachment" stems from a lack of intimate connection in early mother-infant relationships, leading to a loveless pursuit in adulthood. This manifests as emotional turmoil in romantic relationships.

So, love yourself.

"Material Attachment" arises from a lack of respect in childhood, often being compared and ridiculed. The only way to prove oneself in adulthood is to earn and spend money. This leads to a relentless pursuit of material possessions.

So, Respect yourself.

"Ego Attachment" stems from not being seen and attended to from childhood to adulthood, living in one's subjective world without stepping out. It leads to long-term inner turmoil and self-inflicted suffering.

So, Recognize your existence and give yourself enough attention.

That's all for today's sharing. Life is a long journey, and healing and self-awareness are a life long spiritual practice.

With love and gratitude,






  1. 情执:

  • 情执指的是对情感的执着或固执。这可能包括对感情、欲望、爱憎等情感的过度附着。在佛教和东方哲学中,情执被认为是导致痛苦和不安的原因之一,因为它使个体过度依附于外部情感而失去内在的平静。

  1. 物执:

  • 物执是对物质事物的执着。这包括对物质财富、地位、名誉等的过度追求和依附。物执使人们沉溺于追逐外在的成就和财富,而忽视了内在的精神层面的平静和满足。

  1. 我执:

  • 我执是对自我的执著,即认为“我”是固有而真实的实体。这种执著使人们陷入对自我身份、角色和地位的过度关注。佛教认为,对我执的超越是实现解脱和内心平静的关键。



  1. “情执"是因为早年母婴关系缺失亲密链接,长大后变成恋爱脑,在情爱里折腾,停不下来。缺爱的表现。 所以要爱自己。

  2. “物执“是因为童年不被尊重,经常被比较,受嘲讽,成年后唯有赚钱与消费证明自己,用物质折腾,停不下来。缺尊重。 所以要尊重自己。

  3. “我执"是因为从小到大都没有被看见关注,活在自己主观世界没有走出来过,经常纠结于自己如何被外界他人看待,长期内耗,自己折腾自己,停不下来。缺自我。 所以先看到自己的存在,给足了自我关注。





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